Where do we begin…fourth release of the year, all unique and incredible as Gazelle themselves, each distinctly unparalleled in style, but this….this is something else!
Like a powder keg in a coal mine, Gazelle explodes down the shaft on Arcadia, a track filled with a combustible mix of raw musical energy and shadowy suspense laden drama! This is Gazelle’s signature cocktail, the masterful interlacing of music and imagery into something primal, that captures and holds your imagination. Filled with social archetypes, Arcadia returns full circle to those everpresent Gazelle themes of injustice, freedom, and breaking society’s chains!

With a slick, glossy, stylized, Western themed production, as only Gazelle does, it’s near impossible to draw the line between where the visual begins, and the musical ends.
Ryan’s vocal stalks in against the opening searing riffs; gritty, raspy, there’s danger afoot. The drums and bass ignite a wall of sound, heavy, fast on the clip like rolling thunder, this is Gazelle rock n roll!
Lyrically Arcadia captures Gazelle’s passion and spirit for freedom, and the desire to take control of your own destiny. The chorus wraps up the ethos of Gazelle with such lines as; “hey hey get off the carousel now, hey hey and speak what’s on your mind.”
Set in the reflection of a four minute Western short, Arcadia fits perfectly into the legend and lore of those who would not forsake to take their chance however slim it might be. Gazelle are telling you that “Freedom knows her own chime”, and to escape you have to find yours!