Every time I think I’ve escaped it pulls me back, over and over and over again!
Yea that’s the Jungle, you know it, I know it, that groove, those congas, the funkiness, it’s infectious, and we’re all infected.

What happens next, damn, Fifty days after release Marseille drops the remix and that’s it, we’re back. Deeper, darker, groovier and covered in acid fingerprints, it’s on, it’s strobin in the big room, and when the bass hits, he who feels it, knows it!
It’s just that killer, one hundred percent Madchester, Vega Rally steps in and straps on the remix. Vega lays down a heavy, and I mean heavy, drumline entry, while the psychedelic reverb strobes over the seemingly elongated vocals, winding itself like a snake onto your eardrums! The mix breaks down on the middle eight, and then like a nitrus rush, he unleashes it all at you, and did I say “it’s on”! Phazer action on the keyboard layers over the bass and the mix goes on full rave alert. This isn’t just a remix, it’s a culmination of an acid trend that’s been showing up all over the scene.

I wondered aloud what Marseille would come back with after the Jungle, questioning, how are they gonna follow this up? The Vega remix comes out of total left field, the perfect hook up that I didn’t imagine. But that’s what Marseille are doing right now. They’re adding a fifth member, supporting Gazelle, opening up for Jesus Jones – what – and seemingly every week going out and accomplishing something new that I didn’t imagine.